Wajid Knan Conservative spy or special advisor?
If Wajid Knan was a special advisor to the Prime Ministers,the question begs to be asked"HOW WAS HE COMPENSATED FOR HIS DUTIES AS SPECIAL ADVISOR?Was he paid by cheque and if so there should be some sort of paper trail and will he declare this on his income tax form.Futher as special advisor where are his reports,if he was being compensated for his duties as special advisor that compensation would come from Canadian taxpayers,so were are the reports?But if he was being paid by little brown envolopes stuffed with cash or promises of appointment that would tend to lead people to belevie that he was being paid to gather information on the Liberal Party.These are some of the questions the Liberals should be asking when the House of Commons resumes.The Conservatives now have Wajid Knan big question for them can he be trusted?