Ever Wonder!!!!!!!!!!

Ever wonder why the person going down the road in a truck is not driving so well,and asked how he/she got their CDL or class A and better yet who allowed them in that truck!We've all witnessed bad driving habits now and again!Company driver trainers and recruiters are the first step on this chain in a push to fill those seats and get them trucks that are parked against the fence moving, they are too quick to approve drivers that don't have enough practical experience.Companies are next in line for some of the blame they push recruiters and driver trainers to fill seats at any expense.When things go wrong those same companies are quick to point the finger at their recruiters and driver trainers,Don't they realize that putting an inexperienced driver in the seat they are exposing their company to millions of dollars liability in the event an inexperienced driver causes an accident.Next on the chain are driver examiners this one I could never understand in most cases these examiners don't hold or have never held the class of licence they are testing the driver on.They've either taken a course or watched a few videos or both on how to drive a truck!HOW CAN ONE JUDGE ANOTHER'S SKILLS WHEN THEY DON'T POSSESS THE SKILLS THEY ARE JUDGING?SOMEBODY IS TAKING A PILOT'S TEST IS THERE NOT ANOTHER QUALIFIED PILOT IN THE SEAT BESIDE THEM!Better yet I watched some videos and took a couple of courses would you let me do your heart by pass?Then there are just the plain old corrupt driver examiners who issue drivers licences for a few hundred dollars under the table.Last but not least are truck driver schools who are on the same level as puppy mills TAKE THEIR THEIR MONEY AND SO WHAT MAYBE THEY CAN'T DRIVE SO GOOD SO WHAT WHO CARES IF THEY GO DOWN THE ROAD AND KILL SOMEBODY !Driver schools teach on mainly empty equipment how does one gain the skills to brake and drive a loaded truck?Instead of criticizing a new driver we should feel sorry for them THEY'VE BEEN BASICALLY RIPPED OFF FOR HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS BY DRIVER'S SCHOOLS AND PUT OUT ON THE ROAD TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES BY GREEDY COMPANIES WANTING TO FILL THAT EMPTY SEAT!


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