Pay per mile,percentage and by the load!!

Ever stop and think why companies usually choose to pay by the above mentioned schemes ? These wage schemes resemble going to the a casino and playing the games,once in awhile you hit the JACKPOT but usually the house wins !The odds favour the house !Trucking companies know by paying by these methods they are covering themselves against loss,if you are stuck in traffic,held at a shipper or receivers dock or held up by bad weather they do not want to pay for this.If companies were forced to pay by the hour the odds would be then in favour of drivers,but the can't have this as we all know the attitude is drivers are overpaid anyway.The odds favouring companies are increasing everyday new hours of service laws will further limit your wage earning ability by cutting your hours.The proposed speed limiter laws will increase congestion on our highways further limiting your miles per day.Now that the American Trucking Association has opened the door with their proposed use of E.OB.R.'s for repeat hours of service violators,it will only be a matter of time before all trucks are required to have E.B.OR'S,THE O.T.A . is already trying to promote them.I regularly go on another blog JUST TRUCKIN some blow hard is trying to tell people its unconstitutional, its not the American way .Well its funny your American Trucking Association is promoting and supporting these proposed laws and I doubt any ordinary truck drivers will have any vote on these issues.


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