The Ontario Trucking Association was the first to propose speed limiters fo all trucks,their first press release contained the following statement"THIS WILL LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD" even though the OTA won't admit it this statement refers to driver retention not safety or enviromental concerns.If the OTA and associates really want to address the driver shortage problem one of the first ways of attracting new drivers and retaining older drivers would be to pay them more,what pay drivers more their overpaid now I can just hear these words being repeated over and over again with a few" that as***** who does he think he is bringing up this subject!Well the truth of the matter is trucking companies have hid behind antiquated laws regarding overtime and pay by the mile schemes for years all supported by various levels of government on both sides of the border.Is it really a level paying field that somebody working in a factory or the local 711 store is entitled to overtime after 44 hours when a truck driver must work 60 hours before they can collect overtime?Would this not LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD between the general population and truck drivers if truck drivers were allowed to collect overtime after 44 hours?It would also attract more drivers to our workforce which I am told is suffering a driver shortage,I would say some of this shortage is self inflicted by the industry its self.For the owneroperators out there if companies were forced to pay overtime after 44 hours rates fo you guys would go up.So Mr Bradley you want a level playing field lets go for it!!!!!!!!


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