The Knan Affair Gets More Interesting

According to an article in the Windsor Star Jan.15/07 Elections Canada revoked the legal registration of new Conservative MP Wajid Knans's former Liberal riding association in December because it failed to file financial returns for 04 & 05 as The Ottawa Citizen first reported.Also reported were some questionable loans from Dufferin Mazda which Mr.Knan owns.Under previous legislation loans to candidates and riding associations are allowed,but must be declared as contributions if not repaid within 18 months and were limited to $1000.00 under previous political financing rules.TWO BIG QUESTIONS HERE DID MR.KNAN REPAY THE LOAN TO DUFFERIN MAZDA ?IS THIS WHY THERE WAS A SUDDEN DEPARTURE OF THE HEAD OF ELECTIONS CANADA BECAUSE HE WAS ABOUT TO RELEASE THIS INFORMATION ?"AS RICKY FROM THE THE TRAILER PARK BOY'S WOULD SAY AIN'T THIS GREASEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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