The Fear of an Organized Truck Driver Workforce

Governments both in the USA and CANADA fear it truck drivers ever organized and stood together for a common goal,we could effect the economy of North America.As far back as 1959 this was a great concern as evidenced by the following statement by the late Robert F Kennedy on the Jack Paar show which was the forrunner of late night television talk shows.Mr Kennedy stated"ALL OUR LIVES ARE TOO INTRICATELY WOVEN WITH THIS UNION TO SIT PASSIVELY BY AND ALLOW THE TEAMSTERS UNDER MR. HOFFA'S LEADERSHIP TO CREATE A SUPERPOWER IN THIS COUNTRY -A POWER GREATER THAN THE GOVERNMENT."Even back in 1959 governments were scared of truck drivers organizing,I personally don't agree with some of the tactics employed by Mr Hoffa and the teamsters back then,but I do agree with drivers stand together for a common goal of gaining better working conditions and wages.Even today governments act quickly to stop us from any actions that could escalate into something bigger they have passed laws that prevent us from blocking border crossings or highways!People of differant ethnic races and backgrounds have joined the trucking workforce in the last few years I personally don't have a problem with this,but it has an affect on our ability to organize and stand together,we can't get along and this plays right into the governments and large trucking corporations hands.They know if we can't get along we sure as hell ain't goin organize!LOOK AT IT IN THIS CONTEXT YOU ARE INVOVLED IN AN ACCIDENT YOU ARE DYING YOU NEED A BLOOD TRANSFUSION DO YOU ASK THE DOCTOR DID THE BLOOD YOU ARE ABOUT TO GIVE ME COME FROM THE SAME RACE AS ME?IF IT DIDN'T WOULD YOU REFUSE IT AND DIE?What I am saying here is to organize we must put our petty differances aside and stand together for a common goal,until we're able to do this things are only going to get worse.


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