Ministry of Labour Reply
This was received from Kate Lamb,Senior Manager,Employment and Labour Branch,Ontario Ministry of Labour Ontario I will just give a quick overview and the important parts for full act go to Regulations for Exemptions,special rules and establishment of wage.It establishes an overtime threshold of 60 hours a week for trucking the general ESA overtime threshold is 44 hours.The rule applies to most truck drivers employed by FOR-HIRE TRUCKING FIRMS.So if you work for a hiring agency that is not a FOR-HIRE TRUCKING FIRM and this would apply to most driver services and hiring agencys as most don't hold a CVOR than you are entitled to o/t after 44 hours and you could go back on them for a year.The only loophole I can see is if the cheque you receive is issued by the trucking company you are assigned to,if it is issued by the driver service or hiring agency you should have a case.For those employed by FOR-HIRE TRUCKING FIRMS this is the response,Unique industry conditions that make it difficult for employers to limit hours,for example traffic and weather conditions.SO EVEN THOUGH DRIVERS CAN'T CONTROL THESE CONDITIONS THE SAME AS TRUCKING COMPANIES CAN'T WE'LL JUST DOWN LOAD THE COSTS TO THE DRIVERS!The ESA'S overtime reflects the fact Ontario trucking firms must compete with federally regulated firms,which are subject to overtime rules 60 hours under the Canada Labour Code,and owner-operators.THE MIGHTY ONTARIO TRUCKING ASSOCIATIONS MEMBERS NEED PROTECTION FROM FEDERALLY REGULATED CARRIERS AND OWNER-OPERATORS!ALL WITH THE SUPPORT OF ONTARIO MPP'S WHO JUST ACCEPTED A 25% WAGE INCREASE BECAUSE FEDERAL POLITICS PAID MORE AND WAS RAIDING PROVINCAL POLITICAN WORKPOOL!The traffic conditions mentioned above are only going to get worse if the proposed speed limiter bill passes,drivers wages will continue to fall.The question is how far are drivers going to let their wages fall before they stand up for themselves,I started trucking 32 years ago the going rate was 21cpm we are now up to 42-45 cpm big raise 21 cents in thirty two years but it is humble to a 25% wage increase received by MPP's this year.Incidently Laurie Scott Mpp for LINDSAY,ONT. was asked to comment on this issue and did not have the common courtesy to reply,she is also the person who proposed the speed limiter bill David Bradley of the Ota let her do the dirty work.