Harper & Black Friday

To day we find ourselves governed by an arrogant and egotistical Prime Minister named Stephen Harper,back in the 1950's people of that era found themselves governed by a Conservative Prime Minister by the name John Difenbaker who was also arrogant and egotistical.Besides the above mentioned similaries are there more ? If one looks at Harper's coziness with our neighbours to the south 'RE TAKING CANADA FROM AN ACTIVE PEACE KEEPER TO A FULL BLOWN COMBAT MISSION"re NO BIDDING ON AIRCRAFT WE ARE BUYING FROM BOEING"re TAKING THE TAR SANDS TO FIVE TIMES ITS SIZE TO REDUCE AMERICA'S RELIANCE ON MIDDLE EASTERN OIL".John Difenbaker was also cozy with our neighbours to the south so much so he cancelled the AVRO ARROW PROJECT when our neighbours to the south convinced him that Bomar Missles were a better defense.By cancelling this project he effectively wiped out a whole industry putting thousands of people out of work.Mr Harper is on the same path by ignoring the Climate Change situation he will effectively destroy industries,all because he cannot say NO to our neighbours to the south !


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