I always though that MEMBERS OF THE PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT & MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENTS work for the people if elected apparently this is not the case here in Canada.It appears once elected they do what they want and really don't answer to people who elected them.I've been doing a random sampling of MMP's and MP's on driver wage issues sort of testing the waters so to speak.This is the response I received,PAT HOY LIBERAL MPP CHATHAM/KENT/ESSEX MY MPP BY THE WAY when contacted by email and asked about these issues did not have the common courtesy to reply !PETER KORMOS MPP NDP NIAGARA CENTER no reply !GERRY MARTINUK MPP PC CAMBRIDGE replied but when found out I wasn't in his riding refused to comment !STEVE PETERS MINISTRY OF LABOUR LIBERAL ELGIN/MIDDLESEX/LONDON this ministry was helpful at first till they realized I had discovered a loophole in the EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ACT DEALING WITH EMPLOYEES OF HIRING AGENCY'S AND DRIVER SERVICES since then not helpful at all must of envisioned an increased workload enforcing the ESA ! JACK LAYTON FEDERAL LEADER OF THE NDP CHAMPIONS OF THE WORKING CLASS DID REPLY BUT IT WAS ON A ROBOTIC LEVEL !LAURIE SCOTT MPP PC HALIBURTON/VICTORIA/BROCK WHO PRESENTED THE PRIVATE MEMBERS BILL FOR SPEED LIMITERS no reply didn't expect one anyway we all know where she stands !STEVEN HARPER PRIME MINISTER PC AND HIS SIDEKICK JIM FLAHERTY BOTH SUPPORTERS OF SPEED LIMITERS didn't email them it would not be worth the key strokes as they support big business.Point is these people get elected get their noses in the proverbial hog trough and feel they are above answering to the little guys ! THEY FORGET TRUCK DRIVERS COULD SHUT THIS COUNTRY DOWN AND IT'S DUE TIME WE GET PAID THE SAME AS THE GENERAL WORKFORCE AND ARE ON EQUAL FOOTING AS THE GENERAL WORKFORCE.WHY SHOULD WE AS DRIVERS SUBSIDIZE CHEAPER FREIGHT RATES BY WORKING FOR LESS MONEY ?


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