Effective Lobbying

Have you ever wondered how such groups as the Ontario Trucking Association,Canadian Trucking Alliance,American Trucking Association and the Canadian Automobile Association get all these rules and regulations passed that effect the lives and pocketbooks of everyday truckdrivers and owneroperators ?Its called lobbying these above mentioned associations actually have people that write letters,send emails and in the extreme cases wine and dine people of influence"mainly MPP,s and MP's" to get their bills passed into law.We as truck drivers have alot of influence here but we don't choose to exercise our influence for whatever reasons"I'm too busy,I'm paid well for what I do or my company treats me good.Here is the truth of the matter this is what your company thinks of you Employment Standards Act all lobbied by the Ota and trucking companies"This special rule recognizes that hours of work in the trucking industry are generally longer than average.Unique industry conditions that make it difficult for employers to limit hours,for example traffic and weather conditions."SO LETS JUST DOWNLOAD IT ONTO THE DRIVERS THEY'RE OVERPAID ANYWAY!How many of us have sat at shippers or receiver's docks hours on end gritting our teeth wanting to say something knowing if we did speak up it would on make things worse,when in all fact our dispatcher so be saying something but doesn't have the balls for fear of losing a cheap load of freight!You know why autoworkers get virtually anything they want,simple they all stick together!What is needed here is to form a nonprofit alliance with the majority of driver partiapating to improve our lives through effective lobbying the same as the above mentioned associations do !I have been emailing various MPP's and MP's about the overtime issues and have kept a list of these individuals to see if they would have the common courtesy to reply,at a later date I will release that list and you be the judge who you will vote for in the next election.Anyone interested in forming such an alliance my email is jameslalderton@yahoo.ca


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