Over the years there have been various attempts by truckdrivers & owneroperators to gain wage ,rate increases and generally improve our working conditions.I started driving in the mid seventies when the big thing for bumper stickers was "Jimmy phone home your mother needs the trunk keys",this was in reference to the late JIMMY HOFFA during those years various job actions took place in Ohio THE DISSIDENT TRUCKERS FOR A DEMOCRATIC UNION blocked steel mills and highways.At one point the Ohio Turnpike was blocked at the Toledo exit by a solid line of trucks stretching for miles only to see efforts to improve our lives broken up by the police!You see that governments actually fear that if truck drivers get fully organized and stand together we could shut the economy down!Look at the US/CANADA border blockades of the 80's these blockades were actually starting to have an effect on both countries auto plants were stating to shut down,CEO's of these companies were getting worried and had government's make it illegal for truck drivers to block any highway or border crossing!So how is that when FARMERS DECIDE TO BLOCK THE 401 WITH THEIR FARM EQUIPMENT THAT THE ONTARIO PROVINCAL POLICE ACTUALLY SUPPLY POLICE ESCORT AND CLOSE THE HIGHWAY?Does this not prove that truckdrivers are treated as second class citizens in our own countries,we have no right to protest in our workplaces yet farmers get a police escort!So now here we are in 2007 and were have we got we can't block any highways thats illegal,wages have increased roughly 30 cpm in 30 years wow a whole cent a year!Now our only way to protest is simply book your holidays on the 4 same days as everybody else or phone in sick.But then again these CEO's will lobby the government to make it illegal for truck drivers to take holidays when they want or phone in sick !My theory on Jimmy Hoffa is that Robert Kennedy realized that the teamsters were becoming a powerful force and had to be stopped at any cost,down the road they would eventually took job action that would have seriously affected the economy.


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