Ministry of Labour & Me !

I have had an on going dispute with a Well Known Southern Ontario Used Truck Dealer over unpaid overtime.I first took this dispute to the Ontario Labour Board and received a settlement in the neighbour hood of $5900.00 after taxes which was taken at a rate of near 50% I received $2900.00.This individual owed me roughly $9000.00 so how does he get away with paying $2900.00, LABOUR LAWS HERE IN ONTARIO SEEM TO FAVOR THE EMPLOYER NOT THE WORKER!I have since appealed the case to the Ontario Labour Relations Board which a lot of people give up after the MINISTRY OF LABOUR RULES NOT IN THIS CASES.For all you autoworkers who participated in the Navistar a few years,where an Autoworker was run down by a security van.If you ever wondered where those BUSES were stored that the security van was protecting,IF ONE STANDS IN THE SPOT WERE THAT AUTOWORKER WAS HIT AND LOOKS SOUTHWEST THERE STANDS A GLASS STRUCTURE IN THAT STRUCTURE IS THE MAN WHO RENTED THE WAREHOUSE THAT STORED THE BUSES IN WALLCEBURG,ONTARIO


Unknown said…
Hey Bro ---- Keep going I think your onto something with this whole blog thin g!!!!!! Proud of you ---- the painter

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