Back in the 50,60,70's Jimmy Hoffa had the vision of an organizied trucking industry in both Canada & USA was his vision so terrible?I started driving when bumper stickers cried out "JIMMY PHONE HOME YOUR MOTHER NEEDS THE TRUNK KEYS",yes at that time I was against organized labour inthe the trucking industry.But since that time I've seen the effects of FREE TRADE ,JUST IN TIME DELIVERY AND A LIST OF OTHER THINGS THAT GROSSLY AFFECT DRIVERS AND OWNER/OPERATORS ALIKE !Back when I started driving 21 cpm was the going rate, now we have ads proclaiming 38 to 45 cpm that's a pretty big raise 24 cpm over what 30 years,let me see that works out to what less than a cent a year over 30 years!Ow/Op were making a buck a mile in trhe 70's now they're proud to make a buck fifteen thats a big raise 15 cents over 30 years when the cost of equipment went up 50% da !ROBERT KENNEDY WAS ONCE QUOTED AS SAYING IF THE TEAMSTER'S COUNTINUE TO GAIN POWER AT THE RATE THEY ARE THEY WILL HAVE MORE POWER THAN THE GOVERNMENT ITSELF !In laymens terms truckdrivers have more power than we realize if we are an organized workforce.THE ONLY THING STOPPING US IS WE CAN'T ORGANIZE OR GET ALONG FOR THAT MATTER.SOONER OR LATER DRIVERS AND OWNER/OP'S WILL REALIZE THAT IF WE CONTINUE THE ROUTE WE ARE TAKING i.e. working below the rate of the normal workforce,letting mutinational companies control the workforce by screaming driver shortage so the governments will ease restrictions towards immigration and such deals as letting mexican trucks operate througout North America.SOME DAY WE WILL WAKE UP AND NOT HAVE ANY JOBS!


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