We as a group have more power than we will ever realize,but we choose to stand individuality why is that?As a group we have the power to shut down the North American economy for you saying that would be impossible,well look at how the the NORTH AMERICAN ECONOMY works just in time delivery truck drivers deliver raw products,finished products and everything in between!At one time every city and town had a railroad line running into it but with cheaper truck transportation most of these rail lines have be ripped up,so consumers can no longer just go down to the local rail station and pick their goods up.Laws have been passed making it illegal for drivers to actively block highways or strike,but if we all simply booked holidays or phoned in sick for four consecutive days everything in North America would grind to a halt.The high and overpaid autoworkers would be sent home due to parts shortages,the general public would run to the grocery and gas stations in an effort to hoard food and fuel resulting in shortages.People say well not everybody would join in well if there is no fuel deliveries sooner or later those that chose to keep running would be forced to shut down !Have we not taken enough abuse yet we run when were sick,were underpaid look at most autoworkers 30 to 40 bucks an hour if you figure in benefits yet we are the ones that keep the economy rolling.In most states and provinces we are not entitled to overtime until after 60 hours why is that are we different,yes we are we work for trucking companies WHO claim undue hardship at every burp in the road.For the billie bigriggers out there saying I'M MAKIN GOOD MONEY LOOK AT THE HOURS YOU SPEND IN THAT TRUCK AND LOOK AT YOUR TAKEHOME YOUR NOT GETTIN A FAIR RETURN FOR HOURS INVESTED AND MONEY TAKEN HOME !!!!!!!


ptnoid said…
you are right james we should 30 bucks perhour as company men driving or sitting,brokers 90 bucks per hour driving or sitting waiting all day to unload or reload,customs road delays so what we are still getting our hourly rate it would cut down on roadrage logbook lieing, and going like hell all day to tryto get your work done in 14 hours---14x30=420 dollars per day---14x90=260dollars per day thats,i dont think not to bad of money for your time and investment;overtime would be nice too

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