A lot of the driver shortage is caused long hours and the small amount of wages drivers get in return for those hours!Take for example the general workforce is entitled to overtime after 44 hours a truck driver on the other hand isn't entitled to overtime till after 60 hours this is set by the federal and provincal government!Trucking companies years ago cried undue hardship if they had to pay overtime after 44 hours so the government made it a law.This is an outdated and antique law that should be changed.A lot of drivers have compared what they would make working other jobs with liberal overtime compared to trucking and have chosen to leave the field.Can you blame them?Another factor is the toll trucking can take on your personal life example get a ticket in a truck it will effect your personal automobile insurance!Some driving schools are now telling new drivers they can expect to make $20.00 to $30.00 dollars an hour imagine the shock when they sit down and figure out the hours they put in and their take home pay !And be honest when you figure it out include all the hours you put in and whats you takehome pay !The boom in Alberta may be a good thing because alot of guys are moving to the high paid oilfield jobs this will in turn create a greater driver shortage so sooner or later these big companies that claim to be paying top wages are going to be forced to pay drivers higher wages or their not going to have drivers !


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