From an early age we are taught to listen to people of authority our parents teachers etc they know best in the younger years this is good advice.But as we age we should be wary of this line of thought.Some police officers will give you that age old line IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE FOR BREAKING IT!But deep down he or she are praying you are ignorant of the law,case in point that traffic ticket he or she is writing you if you are ignorant of the law they are hoping you will just pay it.Traffic tickets are a cash cow for law enforcement and in other instances a way to go fishing for information like WHERE ARE YOU GOING OR COMING FROM it is none of their business where you have been or going,Ride checks have you ever been asked those same questions at a ride check again none of their business.In fact the SUPREME COURT has ruled once it has been identified as a ride check it is not authorizing an open invitation for fishing expedition of information.Should be have you been drinking tonite yes or no answer dl insurance ownership.Landlords are also guilty of hoping someone does not know the law that well so they can bend the law in their favor.The list goes on by law enforcement animal control anybody with a bit of authority will in some point in time try this.Its like a lot of people don't realize you pay a fine on a traffic offence you have the right to appeal that ticket and fine down the road.What good is this well if you happen to get another ticket down the road and it looks like your insurance is going up you may want to try and keep that insurance down to a better rate.