Exclusive Offer From Terracorp Slumlandlords

This is unofficial but it is rumored Terracorp yes I did say Terracorp owners of such affortable rental apartments here in southern Ontario and rumored to be a national wide rental group.Terracorp the company that just discovered the world of debit and internet banking just in the last three months discovered direct withdraw to aid in the speedy payment of rent wow how long has internet banking been around.As you can see Terracorp only employs the best forward thinking minds in the business.Right down to the low level building managers,Their crack manager husband and wife team at 76 mary st chatham will watch your every move 7\24 like the Pinkertons of the by gone days'WE NEVER SLEEP"they use the most up to date survilance techniques including the age old classic of evesdropping.Dont be alarmed shortly after arrival if you feel like a suspected drug suspect or treated like you just commited a crime or about to in their minds you are!The husband of the team his hearing isn't just up to par that blow job you ask for he heard word Blow WHICH IN THEIR MINDS IS THE DRUG FORM.Speedy police response to terracorp on mary st. is very rapid rumored wife part of manager team has direct line to police station.These Terracorp managers are bicycle friendly park it under stairwells it will be speedly removed to building storage room never to be seen again oops didn't you see that no bicycle parking signs posted dam invisble ink!So back to Terracorp's rumored offer they will be offering free pets with every rent yes I said free pets not the usual pets that are high maintance,cost a lot to feed and not to mention high vet bills.Hell no they will be offering free roachs those forward thinking people at Terracorp will take all the headaches and costs assoicated with pets away.This program has taken years to make this offer possible,every cozy up to your pet these ones don't bark or meow feed them selves take all the ownership headaches away from their masters.Nothing like cuddling up with the roaches to watch your favorite show or enjoy the scenic view of the muddy Thames rive.If you are so lucky to be illegalyy evi little Ralphie the roach has already packed his bags as not to be left behind.Those forward thinking people of TERACORP HVE THOUGH OF EVERYTHING WOORIED ABOUT GETTING IN ON THIS OFFER APARTMENTS ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE THIS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE PINKERTON TYPE MANAGER EVICTING PEOPLE TO RECEVIE THEIR BONUS PACKAGE FOR REFILLING APARTMENTS ON A TIMELY BASIS.So when you rent from Terracorp get ready for the expirence of a lifetime/


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