First prediction is Quebec will be the first to pass speed limiter laws dealing with trucks.Ontario Trucking Association was the first to table this issue,but have been silent on the issue lately.This silence is due partly over driver concerns that we should all be paid hourly if this passes!But Quebec will pass it and try and force it on everybody else!I predict U.S. ow/op will refuse loads going into the P.Q.over this issue.Fuel prices will continue to spike forcing a rate hike,but it is unlikely that big companies and load brokers will pass these hikes down the food chain!Hopefuly ow/op company drivers will wake up in 2008 and demand higher rates and hourly wages if we all stuck together for 5 DAYS we could crash the North American economy,We are the most powerful workforce in North America.GM,FORD or Chysler go on strike governments kiss their collective butts to get them to the table.Just think if every truck driver in North America shut down for five days?THE SKYS FALLING,I CAN'T GO TO THE 711 AND GET GAS OR MILK!


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