I recently received another bill from the 407,usualy its file 13 garbage,but this one was marked 'IMPORTANT"so I opened it inside was a form to dispute a 407 bill.THIS FORM CLEARLY STATED IF IT WAS FILLED OUT AND RETURNED TO THE 407 AND THEY FAIL TO REPLY WITHIN THIRTY DAYS THE BILL IS NULL AND VOID!I filled it out and clearly marked disputed along with a letter requesting an image of the plate used.So I will wait the thirty days and see what happpens.But watch your mail for this form!I notice from the comments on my blog that some of you are receiving calls from the 407 collection agencies which are annoying.One tactic I used to end those calls was to use two phone lines once the collection agency phones phone them back repeatedly for half an hour(use redial)it jams their lines and literaly drives them nuts!I haven"t received a call from NOR-DON since in fact they:ve kicked my bill back to the 407!


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407 E.T.R.

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