407 E.T.R.
An update to earlier posts on the Electronic Theft Road just spoke to a service represenative from the Theft Road over a bill I just received I asked if I could receive the image of the plate that is alleged to have been used to travel the 407!GUESS WHAT THEY CAN'T PRODUCE THAT IMAGE"SURPRISE SURPRISE"WOULD THAT NOT BE LIKE A CREDIT CARD COMPANY DEMANDING PAYMENT FOR AN ALLEGED BILL AND NOT BEING ABLE TO PRODUCE SOME FORM OF PROOF YOU ACTUALY OWE THAT BILL?How many people just pay these bills to escape the harrassment of the 407,when the bill is not even theirs to begin with?One would be better off to let the 407 or their merry band of collection agencies(NOR-DON INCLUDED)to take them to small claims court and produce their proof you actualy used their highway.PRODUCE THE IMAGE OF THE PLATE # OR SHUT UP!WE CAN ALL THANK MIKE HARRIS AND THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY FOR THIS FIASCO.AND IF ONE LOOKS AT THE FRONT ROW OF STEPHEN HARPERS CAUCUS WE STILL HAVE ABOUT FOUR OF THEM STILL SERVING IN GOVERNMENT!!!
I called and spoke with a person and informed them that I had no reason to exit at their purposed loccation. I asked for a photo to be sent to me as proof and they have not to this day.
And the interest is just unreal.
What can i do????
Thanks for you website, Jim.
Best of luck...
"count me in"
Frustated Marilyn
What have you been able to do so far. I could really use some help from anyone who know how to deal with this!!
I recently bought a sea doo on a trailer and when I went to the license office, I had to pay around$1000 to the 407 if I wanted my sea doo trailer licensed.
I have paid $3000.+ to use it 40 or 50 times in 5 years.
It's a racket. They charged me a few hundred dollars and did not send me a bill for almost 2 years but, in the mean time a second bill was arriving that I was paying. By the time I got the other bill, they had charged $1000 interest and I don't think this is in the spirit of the design that precludes 407 from taking their deliquent debtors to court like the rest of us have to. Instead they just get to strangle your licence plate automatically.