407 Electronic Theft Road

I have an on going dispute with the 407,they claim I owe them $250.00 plus dollars meanwhile I've never been on their highway,go figure@!These people are ruthless they use tactics that are designed to batter people into giving them money,even if you don't owe them anything.If you dibeleive this case in point THEY HARRASED A MAN IN OAKVILLE,ONTARIO TO THE POINT "HE TOOK HIS OWN LIFE"as reported in the Toronto Sun>IT WAS LATER DICOVERED IT WAS NOT EVEN HIS BILL THAT THE 407 WAS HARRASING HIM OVER!How many people just actualy give them the small amount the 407 claims they owe them JUST TO AVOID THE HARASMENT 407 BILL COLLECTERS USE,IF YOU IGNORE THEM THEIR SERVICE CHARGES AND INTEREST COMPOUND RAPIDLY,SO IN MOST CASES IT'S JUST SIMPLY MORE CONVIENIENT TO PAY THEM!EVEN THOUGH IT WASN'T YOUR BILL TO BEGIN WITH!YET IF I TRIED TO EXTORT MONEY FROM SOMEBODY I WOULD BE CHARGED UNDER THE CRIMINAL CODE OF CANADA."EXTORT THATS A PRETTY BIG CHARGE"well to demand money from someone that you can't prove used yor service"i.e.can't produce the image of the said licence plate"WOULD THAT NOT CONSITUTE EXTORTION WHEN YOU THREATEN TO DESTROY THAT INDIVDUAL'S CREDIT RATING?WOULD THAT NOT BE LIKE WALKING BY A TIM HORTON'S AND HAVNG THE CLERK COME OUT AND SAY YOU OWE ME FOR A DOUBLE/DOUBLE?"TIP IF YOU DO OWE THE 407 AND YOU CAN'T RENEW YOR PLATES TELL THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION YOU LOST ON PLATE,407 DOES NOT HAVE AUTHORITY TO NEW PLATE ISSUE.


amplemama said…
hi james

got one better for you...yes, the ministry will deny new plates for 407 bill holders. Much to my surprise when I tried that route. I can't even get a temporary permit in my name. All of this because 407 is trying to extort almost $9,000 from me with no proof or breakdown of the figures. Yes, you read correctly. Nine thousand dollars!

I might also mention this is from a plate from 6 years ago. When confronted, they told me that they couldn't product proof I owe it because they archive their info every three years! They threatened my credit record and I basically told them I could have the credit bureau erase their comments if they can't PROVE it. At the end, the whole situation came down to this: "You lose! You just have to pay or you won't get plates! Ha ha ha!" Well, f**k them! I got a plate JOINT with my common law spouse...a new RIN is created at the Ministry who won't deny my non-owing spouse a plate and I'm happily driving again.

However, I now face
a) bankruptcy to erase this debt. Not a huge deal as I don't really own anything. However, it is a tick-off because my credit is fairly decent....or
b) thousands in legal fees to force this comglomerate to produce proof.

Either way, these chumps are forcing me to pay money I don't owe and shouldn't have to put out.

I'm really sick, though, of the automated collection calls and the violation of MY rights by MY government. No personal creditor should have the right to use the government as a collection agency. What's next...someone owes a bill for prescription drugs and can't get treated by a doctor under OHIP?

Think about it.

Good luck on the ongoing fight!
Unknown said…
I'll tell you whats next these "FU%@R'S just one upped us, now if you have outstanding parking tickets,(porven or not) the same deal applies .
Big brother is allowing the MTO to disallow new plates until these are paid.
Hey if you forgot you had one a gentle reminder would be nice, but they insist on their gestapo tactics to get "PAID".
I was just refused plates for tickets from a city I've never been to "my car neither".
I sn't there some way we can fight back this is getting ridiculous..

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