David Bradley of the Ontario Trucking Association would lead people to beleive most of his ideas are cutting edge!Let's look at some of his brain storms"speed limiters the purpose for this is driver retention"his first press release clearly stated this will "LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD"IF THIS STATEMENT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH SAFETY I WISH SOMEONE WOULD EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!Electronic On Board Recorders Mr Bradley clearly stated if these were used on a limited basis for repeat offenders of Hours of Service this would be unfair,EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE E.O.B.R. WELL EXCUSE ME MR.BRADLEY NOT EVERYBODY NEEDS ONE !MAYBE THIS HAS TO DO WITH LEVELING THE ABOVE MENTIONED PLAYING FIELD!MAYBE IF DRIVERS AND OW/OP'S WERE PAID DECENT WAGES AND RATES WE WOULD NOT HAVE TO CHEAT ON H.O.S !Finaly Mr.Bradley stated due to the fuel shortage in Ontario truckers should be allowed to use farm fuel which is higher in sulpher content !Da what would that do to newer engines that require low sulphur diesel?The Ontario Trucking Association sure makes it look look like that they are looking out for everyday truck drivers and ow/op's but are they?


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