Donna Cansfield announced yesterday that the Liberal government of Ontario will introduce speed limiters for trucks.This decision was made due to pressure from the Ontario Trucking Association and various special interest groups.My question to the O.T.A."ARE YOUR MEMBERS GOING TO ORDER THEIR DRIVERS TO VOTE LIBERAL IN THE PROVINCAL ELECTION,SINCE THE THE LIBERALS ARE GOING TO INTRODUCE SPEED LIMITERS WHICH MAY IMPROVE YOUR SAFETY,OR LOWER YOUR PAY CHEQUE?"Either way "Drivers we are screwed on this issue if The Liberals P.C.or N.D.P ARE IN GOVERNMENT THIS BILL WILL PASS AS THE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS HAVE CLOUDED THIS ISSUE AND HAVE NOT RESEARCHED THIS ISSUE VERY FAR!THE O.T.A. HAS EVERYBODY CONVINCED DRIVERS WAGES WILL NOT GO DOWN I BEG TO DIFFER ON THAT ONE!THIS MAGIC MIRCO-CHIP IN ALL ENGINES PRODUCED IN THE LAST TEN YEARS IS A CURE-ALL,well what happens if a truck is Calibrared with 22.5 tires o/o goes home and puts 24.5 tires on that unit wow that truck will gain 10mph,better yet what if o/o goes home changes from say 411 gear in the back end to 370 I would say that would equal 20 mph with the Electrontic Control Module still reading 105 mph.So this magic microchip has its faults where is the research the OTA claims to have?Challenger Motor Freight started life as D.&S.Leasing they competed against licenced P.C.V. CARRIERS leasing back then was a grey area in other words it was illegal PEOPLE THAT THE O.T.A. HATED ,YET NOW CHALLENGER IS ACCEPTED AT TH ROUND TABLE AT THE "POSSUM LODGE ON DIXON ROAD" my how money buys influnence.I could name others carriers who started life as BANDIT CARRIERS BUT IT'S POINTLESS my point is wow all sudden we're not bandits we,re industry leaders!Research if DONNA CANSFIELD HAD OF RESEARCHED PROBLEMS ON OUR HIGHWAYS SHE WOULD HAVE TARGETED HIGHWAY RACING,HOW SO, FINE THEM,IMPOUNDED THEIR CARS,SUSPEND THEIR LICENCE AND A LITTLE BONUS WHEN LICENCE IS REINSTATED REQUIRE A SPEED LIMITER ON ALL CARS OPERATED BY THEM.WE DON'T HAVE THAT TECHOLOGY BULLSHIT TRANSPORT CANADA HAS IT NOW!POINT YOU WANT TO WIN VOTES BY PUBLIC SUPPURT DO YOUR HOMEWORK.


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