Yesterday there was a confrontation between ROYAL GALIPEAU who is the deputy speaker of the house and David McGuinty.Mr Galipeau was clearly the one who purposely strode over to where Mr McGuinty was seated and tried to provoke Mr McGuinty ! As deputy speaker Mr Galipeau is charged with keeping control of the house,this incident clearly demonstrates he is uncapable of performing this duty!Futher the public and governments alike have been spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach Children that bullying is unacceptable !YET OUR ELECTED GOVERNMENT OFFICALS ARE LETTING THIS BEHAVIOR BE COMMON PLACE IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS!"What kind of example is that when you consider thousands of school age children could have been watching this incidents in the course of their studies.Yet several M.P.'s went on national t.v. after the incident to try and justify this outburst.