Conservatives & the Environment !

The Federal Budject was released a few weeks ago,mentioned in it where rebates for certain model cars that are considered fuel efficient <>WHY ? Natural gas fuel vechicles are fuel efficient and polluted less,vechicles converted to natural gas should be eligible for rebates and more inter structure should be actively encouraged to developed thru government programs !Natural gas is commonly know as "Methane Gas"it is derived from decaying organic matter and is a Leading Contributor to Green House gas when allowed to vent into the environment naturally,but when used as a fuel that effect is drastically reduced !WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF ACTIVE AND ABANDONED LANDFILLS ACTIVELY VENTING METHANE GAS DIRECTLY INTO THE ENVIRONMENT AS I TYPE THIS ! To be fair to some of the more enterprising landfill owners who have developed inter structure to capture this methane and convert it into usable energy (i.e. natural gas generators that produce hydro ) my hat goes off to you !This escaping methane gas could be captured and converted to fuel whether its used to produce hydro,power cars or heat houses,BUT THE FEDERAL CONSERVATIVES HAVE CHOSEN TO IGNORE THIS ,WHY? ENVIRONMENT !IF WE HAD A RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT IN OTTAWA THEY WOULD BE ADDRESSING THE METHANE GAS ISSUE NOT IGNORING IT !


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