TOPIX FORUM IS NOW FULL OF POSTS CALLING A NATIONAL WIDE TRUCK STRIKE FOR APRIL 1 2008.This action is being called fo over escalating fuel prices,rates and wages not keeping pace with fuel prices.As a truck driver I feel this would be a much needed action,keep in mind Ontario/Quebec are on the verge of passing speed limiter laws which will further erode the earning power of drivers/ow/op alike.The general public does not realize if all trucks stopped deliver goods and services the economies of both the U.S.and CANADA would implode within a few days."IMPOSSIBLE SORRY TO BURST YOUR BALLOON ALL CONSUMER GOODS IN BOTH COUNTRIES ARE ON A TRUCK AT SOME POINT ON THEIR WAY TO CONSUMERS."A small group of drivers/ow/op's successfuly shut down major border points in North America in the late 80's this shut down was starting to effect the economies of both the US/CANADA.Governments on both sides of the border we're quick to pass laws ,that would include the use of force to re...